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CNC programming tutorial Circular Interpolation (Helical Motion) Circular Interpolation • G02, G03, I, J & K – G02: Circular interpolation (CW) – G03: Circular interpolation (CCW) – I, J & K (Use when <=360 degree) • Incremental distance from SP to CP of arc – I: Specifies the incremental ±X distance from the center of the tool at the start of the arc to the center of the arc. – J: Specifies the incremental ±Y distance from the center of tool at the start of the arc to the center of the arc. Why I, J & K instead of just R? • R is easier to define, easier to make a mistake and get an incorrect radius. • With R, the machine still do the work whether the R is correct or incorrect. • With incorrect I, J & K, the machine will stop and gives an error message before executing. • With R, to generate a circle path of over 180 degrees, then specify a negative R. Sample program (R and J).